
Unimpressed with Elasticsearch Tech and Licensing

Even though I’m suppose to be supporting it and implementing it, and it remains the darling of the Kubernetes world (nothing tops ELK in enterprise popularity) I absolutely hate that Elasticsearch is entirely written in bloated Java and has changed to a proprietary license. (No wonder Elasticsearch seems to attract former Oracle employees.)

I was once a fanboy, but the more I uncover about what is under the hood and the business licensing policies the more I am actively looking for truly FOSS alternatives. In fact, there is a huge opportunity to create an Elasticsearch type of thing purely in Go that is implemented better, faster, and with a better API. They are sitting ducks waiting to be blown out of the water by FOSS innovation. I predict a serious replacement, written entirely in Go, will completely defunct ES within three years. The smart people to take up the charge will make billions.

ES is shooting for lock-in, and they are doing a great job of it, but that doesn’t mean smaller companies won’t throw it out for something new.

Community member lousenti (from Twitch) mentioned finding Blast in Go with an Apache 2 license that might be worth looking into.



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