
Dropping microk8s from Learning

After talking with a very experienced Kubernetes pro I’ve decided to save time and cognitive overhead and not learn microk8s at all. The reason is because that is learning time better allocated to learning real Kubernetes and some sort of deployment method including Ansible or Terraform, even locally on hardware. When doing applications development there simply is nothing better than kind, which specifically targets that use case. At the end of the day, microk8s is not intended to be used as a training or personal lab for Kubernetes, it’s meant to, um, be a micro-scaled version and therefore has some very fundamental differences internally that would be counter-productive for someone seeking to support Kubernetes at large scale in any organization, like me. I want as close to an exact replica or our enterprise cloud architecture as possible so that I can test things locally here (within reason). I’m actually really excited to get into Ansible a bit more, perhaps I’ll actually enjoy all the Python I have to start using again to make it work. This decision has been validated this week at work were Cisco ACI isn’t playing nicely with MetalLB, you know, the kind of stuff you would never be able to simulate at home, but would at least have more work with. This also is an argument against setting up a “home lab” in GCP or something, because you miss out on all the hardware and network setup and practice.