
Pronouncing Acronyms, Don’t Sound Like a Noob

Keep in mind these are American, Canadian, and British preferences.

Recently someone else had the same idea. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/petecheslock_another-friday-another-episode-of-how-activity-7065372491879178240-Ufr8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Thing How to Say It
bash “bash”
zsh z-s-h, “zed shell” (some say “zeeesh”, but omg)
csh c-s-h
sh Be precise: POSIX, Bourne, Dash, Ash, Bash Shell
ssh ”s-s-h” (never ever “shhh”)
SQL “sequel” or s-q-l
PostgreSQL “postgress-q-l”
SQLite “sequel-lite”
/etc “slash” e-t-c
gif who the hell knows
TCL t-c-l or “tickle”
JSON “jay-sawn”
YAML “yaml”
ECMAScript e-c-m-a-“script”
vi v-i
vim “vim”
nvi n-vi-i (which is not NeoVim, btw)
neovim “shit” (it’s a joke)
emacs “eee-macs”
lua “loo-ah”
k8s “kubernetes”
QT q-t (not “cute”)
KDE k-d-e
oauth o-“auth”
Gnome “no-mm” (like “lawn gnome”)
GNU “guh-noo”
Linux “lin-ux” (as in “linen” or Linus Torvaldz pronounced in Finnish)
GNU/Linux just say “Linux” (it’s not Gnome/Linux, etc.)
bin “bin”
src “source”
Jupyter “jupiter”
ASCII “ass-kee”
ANSI “an-see”
SCSI “skuzzy”
cache “cash”
LaTeX “lay-tek”
JavaScript “jah-ve script”
unicode “u-nee-code”
BSD “b-s-d”
FreeBSD “free-b-s-d”
GUI “gooey”
TUI “terminal-u-i”
CLI c-l-i
UX u-x
UI u-i
UEFI u-e-f-i
USB u-s-b
ricing means to make a terminal or rig or desktop look cool
kubectl “cube c-t-l”
IOPS “eye ops”
etcd “etsy dee”
toml “TOM-el” (Tom made it)