
Teaching English as a Second Language

Since hearing about others learning it and getting their TESOL certificates and then going abroad to do whatever they wanted and just each English in each port I’ve always been drawn to it. All this IRL streaming has really re-ignited my traveler and culture journalist. I love learning about new people and cultures, I love to talk and write, I’m good enough with tech and coding to be my own IT department, and it seems all I’m missing is the certificate to prove I’m qualified to teach English. I deeply love languages and linguistics and for some reason have felt like I need to give myself permission do keep them going. “There’s no money in it,” says my inner critic. But I really don’t give a shit. I love learning about other cultures and communicating with them in their language. And, if follows, that I would love helping others do the same. And let’s face it, if you don’t speak English these days as a professional you will be seriously hobbled in your opportunities.

I’ve found a few really cheap TESOL programs online for $100 or something. I figure after I get all the IRL rig straightened up that I could start adding some structure to my IRL streams that includes at least one or two days a week where we do a walking English class for those that don’t speak English natively. Not sure how it will all work, but it definitely needs to be on the new streaming calendar, which will really get going in June 2022 the way things are going.