
Using Twitch Commands During Boost Presentations

It occurred to me while spending a gawd-awful amount of time creating all these Twitch Cloudbot commands that I could associate each with a specific point in the Boost presentation material. The limitation of 380 characters has really forced me to get to the fucking point and create something that captures the main idea. Combine a bunch of these together in a series and I have the equivalent of slides. Since I have them all in a file I can actually just pull them up one after the other and note them in the outline rather than having to look for them all. I’ve already realized I can render the entire commands.yaml file as a static web-site that people can work through on their own as they have time, that has multiple paths through it in the original hyperlinked sense. So, I think I found myself a new way to present Boost content. That file is going to get pretty damn large, however. Oh well, I’ll figure it out. Humm, now I just need something that analyses the file for missing/broken “links” that aren’t provided. That was a major problem I had when producing the web content before. I would get to something I knew needed a link and then forget to make that link later. At least this way everything is on a much smaller scale.

God this makes me really wish pegn were finished so I could throw together a grammar for these things and parse out all the links quickly. Not that hard to do with regular expressions, but would be much more elegant with PEGN specification.

#boost #edtech #pedagogy