
Concerned About Bloat from Figures and Files

I noticed that a simple raster image figure is about ten times larger than a text zettel. That’s not much, but it adds up fast.

I’m glad I kept the term ‘figure’ because that is exactly what these are. They are needed to illustrate something that cannot be explained with words. That’s it.

While some people might choose to use their ZettelRepo for image and file storage that was never the original intent. I need to make sure to warn against that up front.

Thankfully it is trivial to migrate out any and all figures simply into their own separate ZettelRepo if and when that is needed.

Once again the nature of a zettel, an extension of the UNIX philosophy, saves the day. Stuff is already broken out in ways that can easily be organized and managed. It’s easy to migrate not just figures but anything that matches a complex search query.