
Prefix ‘Figure:’ Required for Figure Zettels

I’ve decided that having the word Figure actually in the titles is critically important to consumption of figures as knowledge within the zettelkasten approach, mostly because they were never part of the original and I want it clear to everyone that the titled zettel is, in fact, just a figure with a very verbose description.

Figure zettels can never contain discussion and analysis of the content of the image. The only text allowed is to very verbosely describe what is actually in the image (as if describing it in excruciating detail to a blind person).

This description not only provides the ultimate in knowledge accessibility for all, but will provide the maximum find-ability for that figure after I inevitably forget what it’s called and where I put it, something that has constantly plagued me when it comes to images and illustrations. I might actually be able to find these pictures now.

Hell, I’m inclined to start singling out special photos from my family history and putting them into my personal zettel as a method of creating a running, illustrated, personal biography. (Now that is something my Mom would be proud of.)