
Use README.md and data.yaml for Consistency

One of the practices that really stuck from all the KEG work I did last Summer is the use of consistent file names and formats for knowledge nodes (sometimes called KEG nodes). This simple convention when combined with simplified Markdown (KEG Markdown) and some consistent field names in the data.yaml makes for powerful automations and queries just from the raw data itself.

Naming Justification

The README.md name has become the default for almost all GitHub repos and is created automatically from the GUI when using it. It is the index.html of the Markdown world.

The data.yaml file, which may contain JSON data since JSON is a formal subset of YAML, it the most consistent and in-line with the naming requested by YAML’s creators. While it is true that yml suffixes have gained popularity, it is more important to honor the wishes of YAML’s original creators (much like htm was always stupid compared to html).

Other Data Formats

JSON is YAML, so that one is covered. This means that JSON-Schema can be used to represent it (including variations in compatible YAML).

TOML, while initially appealing, reveals significant flaws at scale and does not have the tooling support necessary.

TSV and CSV are easily represented as YAML.

Don’t even think of suggesting XML.