
Moving Installers to Bonzai (z) Tool

Perhaps the most annoying thing about working on multiple systems all the time is that software never comes packaged well. It’s either too old in the official package repos (something the AUR tried to fix) or it is a pain in the ass to install from source, or it is a release that has to be pulled down, sometimes it is a Go project that can be installed with just a go install. The point is, having a solid, universal way to manage all the installs that you depend on is a critical thing to have in your toolbox.

To that end, I’ve created some stuff in the github Bonzai branch and will be adding more to it. One of the most common ways to get the latest software is to download the latest GitHub release and place it into your binary path (again, a pain point because everyone assumes a different location when your ~/.local/bin is probably best). I don’t really need to do anything with releases since gh already does that, but perhaps I could add them as well to avoid the gh dependency. The release file names themselves almost always have the architecture and operating system identifiers in the name and everyone has a different idea on what that name should be. Some use - and others use _. But I’ll just make it into a Go template that can be added to the global config for a specific GitHub repo.