
Learn GitHub Enterprise API

I’m struggling because some of what I’ve learned about the GitHub API is only for the public one. The GitHub Enterprise is different. For example, it is really picky about doing anything without a token. But the most annoying thing about the Enterprise API is how unable I am to test it without actually having GitHub Enterprise installed. Turns out they have a “Learning Lab” that requires you do install a bunch of shit up-front, and requires you to have an Enterprise license.

I do have access at work, but I’d rather not bang on that until I have things ironed out. There’s just no where to practice for developers. I think this is a pretty big oversight on GitHub’s part. It’s the same for other applications (perhaps the most painful is ElasticSearch, which you cannot even use at all without an enterprise license even though everyone requires you know it). (Reminds me of the old IBM DB2 days when they gate-kept the shit out of that. Only people who paid thousands of dollars where even allowed to learn how to use it at all.)