
Morons Creating PowerShell ‘Cloud-Empowerment-Tools’

If you don’t know why creating an entire ‘toolset’ bundling Git, Kubectl, Terraform, Tekton, and the GCloud SDK (which were all developed on and require Linux to run), that requires the user to use PowerShell only to do the installation, with no Linux or bash in the ‘toolset’ anywhere, then you are objectively a fucking moron (at least in the IT Cloud sense) and should never work in IT again.

Stop pussy-footing around the requirement for your people to learn Linux (and the Linux command line) and do the right thing: train your people to use Linux. Otherwise, you end up with people giving Helm demonstrations using docker on the command line, and using the GUI file explorer to rename a file (because they don’t know the fucking mv command). Please, for the love of God, have some self-respect. Do the right thing. Teach them Linux.

I’m so tired of enterprise CTOs making excuses for not educating their tech people in the most significant operating system on planet Earth — especially given the number of very user-friendly Linux distributions (like PopOS!) and the WSL2 support in Windows. Seriously, get the courage to set goals for your enterprise and get the fuck off of Windows for anything technical. Your company will be so much better off. The companies that are doing this are destroying their competition (and smiling with a knowing grin like an ugly dude with a hot girlfriend who has a secret he really doesn’t need to share). Perhaps that’s the only thing these CTOs will ever understand.

Honestly, consider this a PSA. Train your people in Linux. Microsoft is. The end.

#rants #linux #windows #morons #powershell #cto #consulting #cloud