
Learn Mac, Windows, and Linux for Best Results

TL;DR: Use a Mac laptop, Windows desktop, and Linux servers.

This combination gives you experience with the best tools for the job:

Just about finished configuring my new Macbook Pro for work (WSL2 doesn’t work with AnyConnect VPN, etc.) and I’ve been having a poingant reminder how important it is for people to learn all three major operating systems.

People get fucking tribal over this shit, to their great determinent. Some idiots tell you that all you should ever learn is Linux, Linux on the desktop, Linux for gaming, Linux for hacking, that somehow using a “propietary” system makes you dirty (even if you blow away their productivity and annual salary). Most people telling you this shit are hypocritically hiding their dark secret that they use Windows or Mac at work or school, or, as I have often encountered with these types of Linux zealots, they are unemployed and usually smell pretty bad.

The “linux-only” attitude is completely stupid and unrealistic. The fact of the matter is that any “hacker” should be productive using whatever they have in front of them, even if they fucking hate that they do and everything the company has stood for. For me, this is Apple.

Consider these uncomfortable truths:

One of the things that turned me off about prepping for OSCP was the focus on learning PowerShell (which is just so fucking awful), but the fact of the matter is that you must learn to become a hacker or enterprise systems infrastructure engineer. It does not matter how much I hate it. That’s the difference between reality and things people on the Internet/YouTube love to rant about. They have no fucking clue about the reality facing real technology professionals because, honestly, they’ve never had a real tech job in their fucking lives (let alone be able to do complex systems engineering or hacking beyond running script-kiddy attacks).

It comes back to the Marvel Dr. Strange comparison. The “ancient one” employed dark magic to fight for the greater good. We can use these proprietary technologies (when we have to) to work against the things about these proprietary companies that we find to be truly evil. We are using their power against them to ultimately reform them or bring them down. It’s a more nuanced approach to the radicalism and clueless zealotry that defines more Linux fanatics (of which I definitely once was as a kid).
