
Ideas for Bonzai CacheMap Interface

The CacheMap will be a critical requirement for Bonzai to really take over the getopt zombie-land — especially once pipe (-> the other equivalent ligature).

type CacheMap interface {
  Var(key, typ string)
  Type(key string) string
  Get(key string) string
  Set(key, val string)
  Del(key string)
  String() string // YAML key: value
  Print()         // print YAML

And the equivalent z commands in a Bonzai branch:

z var type <typestring> <key> [<value>]
z var [set] <key> <value>...
z var [get] <key>
z var del <key>
z var all

The Var allows Cacher implementations to create their own types with different considerations like encrypted or performant so that it can make the best decisions about how to deal with set and get later for it even though everything is just a string so far as the user is concerned. Most would just use the default plain string type, which we should probably mandate in the interface spec must be reserved and supported. After all, everything here is a string (in the truest of UNIX philosophy compliance).

I think I’ve decided that any Bonzai monolith can have one (and only one) Cacher per binary that uses the Bonzai package, exactly like Z.Conf there will be a Z.Cache with Set/Get/Var/Type methods. People don’t have to assign a Z.Cache, but those that do get both the Z.Cache commands to use in their Cmd code as well as whatever commands they choose for it (the default will be z var).