
Shell or Go Language

These days everything for me is one or the other (when I have a choice). Shell is always POSIX so that everything would even work on a BusyBox container. And anything that needs more is in Go. The problem is picking between them for most stuff that I do. I’m throwing together quick tools all the time and they are so much easier in Shell — especially with tools like curl, jq, yq, find, auth (my own creation) and simple git grep. Everything these days has a web API. That means all you really need is shell and these tools.

For example, I started redoing my twitch script in Go and that sucked in development on cmdbox and everything else. But the most annoying thing about coding in Go (or any strict language) is all the noise (yes even in Python). With a curl command you can see that actual stuff being sent all in a single line. Other web client APIs spread that shit out all over.

I think I’m realizing yet another situation where the UNIX Philosophy has really somehow been lost. The reason I am so much faster with shell scripting is because I use it every time I enter anything on the command line, so the scripting of it is so completely and totally intuitive and constantly fresh on my mind. It means that I can test anything in the script quickly from the command line without any build or test step at all.

[POSIX Shell Works Everywhere]