
podman Adds systemd to All Containers

This write up from an engineer at Red Hat outlines the single most compelling reason I have ever heard for using podman: it actually initializes and uses systemd within the container by default.

You might hate systemd but it doesn’t matter. It is the most prevalent init system on the planet at this point and is a pain in the ass to get running in a container because of how fucking stupid it is. This is outlined very well in the related blog post. So you can imagine my surprise when I read in that same post that podman magically takes care of all that shit and includes systemd automatically. The amount of headache that removes is enormous.

Now I have a tough decision to make: to continue to do my Kubernetes in Docker setup with all the tweaking required to get systemd to work so that kubeadm init will work, or to just start the whole lab by saying “This lab requires that you install podman.”

Of course, there is always the option of doing everything from a VM and creating a separate VM for every node. That way you get systemd as a part of the OS, obviously.
