
Just Learned About lobste.rs, A Tech Aggregator

OMG, someone still uses RSS. This morning a bunch of Twitch regulars are congratulating me on being listed in a blog about “tacit learning” (a new word I just learned there) and how apparently I’m a good source for “tacit” Go learning. It warmed my heart, of course. But them, I’m like, “Where the fuck are all these people hearing about this?” And, @qmacro is like, “https://lobste.rs of course.” And, I’m like, “What the fuck is lobter.rs?”

Turns out it is a good place to get “well curate” tech stuff. So I’m adding it to my list of things I don’t have time to get to anymore because I have a full-time job, a family, and have committed my weekends to the Boost for eternity (but I swear, I’m not bitter).

So glad I have these people in my community to help me have a clue when I don’t.