
Sphynx Sucks, Mostly Because of reST

People keep saying how amazing Python reStructuredText is because of it’s “extensibility” but that is exactly the wrong thing to add to anything that hopes to be usable by anyone. It’s the reason JGM spend so much effort to arrive at the CommonMark (Markdown) standard.

After reading through the readthedocs documentation I’ve never been more fired up to replace the whole damn thing with a simpler, yet more powerful version of something that builds on the basic idea of knowledge nodes in CommonMark, with the only extension being GitHub tables and Katex math support. This core content can always been wrapped in other formatting appropriate for the target audience, with the primary target user being anyone with a computer or a phone who wants simple information that is easy to maintain without advance knowledge of anything but Markdown.

Our solution will also have a single executable to install, none of this Python shit.

🤬 I’m so fucking sick of “solutions” developed by engineers that gatekeep their solutions so that no one can use them who isn’t also an engineer.

Here’s another opportunity to follow “don’t get mad, get busy” making something better.

#rant #documentation #education #keg