
Docker Completion Fails Until You First Call It

The common technique of looking up the completion line with complete -p docker fails after you install Docker completion because it is set to not even load until the first time you attempt to use it with `docker

`. ``` $ complete -p docker -bash: complete: docker: no completion specification ``` That means if you have never done that, that your `d` shortcut won't ever work. ``` $ complete -p d complete -o default -F _docker d $ d d -bash: completion: function `_docker' not found $ docker docker attach diff import node rm stats version build engine info pause rmi stop volume builder events inspect plugin run swarm wait commit exec kill port save system config export load ps search tag container help login pull secret top context history logout push service trust cp image logs rename stack unpause create images network restart start update $ d attach diff import node rm stats version build engine info pause rmi stop volume builder events inspect plugin run swarm wait commit exec kill port save system config export load ps search tag container help login pull secret top context history logout push service trust cp image logs rename stack unpause create images network restart start update ``` Even though this is a huge bug for Docker to leave out in the open for so long (my money is on their predisposition to support Zsh including *forcing* you to use Oh-My-Zsh even though the Zsh team openly advocates against it, this has zsh stank all over it). The way around this is to manage your own Docker completion file as I've done in my `~/.bashrc`.