
Use json and yaml, Not jsn and yml

I know it is largely a personal preference, but the YAML creator officially asks that the suffix yaml be used. They tried to do this shit with html and htm and it never took off, thank God. I’ve been tempted up until now, but I’m holding my ground. Four letters or fuck you! ;) The Kubernetes team says you can use “either” — cowards.

To be fair I was tempted to use data.yml for everything I’m doing with KEG and have decided to drop the suffix entirely and just use data since both YAML and JSON are both compatible data formats. When implemented in static site generation this will produce the best possible URLs (ex: https://rwx.gg/data). It’s a simple enough matter to create a Vim file type for anything called data.

Maybe just using the yaml word is better. Since JSON is YAML that works.