
Searchable ISOSEC Unique Identifier on YouTube

I’ve fallen into the most sustainable solution for looking up videos reliably in YouTube, and it’s not by using their unique identifier. If you provide an [<isosec>] identifier in your title you are free and clear to do whatever organization you want. You have no dependency on any YouTube API calls or integration. Just pass a query to the specific channel for that identifier and it is guaranteed to find it.


The most valuable part of this approach is that you know the unique identifier before you do everything with it and post it. That means you can set it to the same thing as something else, in this case another zet with the same identifier stored on GitHub with the current description. Then that description can be synced automatically and rather simply with an API call any time you update the written description. You control your descriptions in your GitHub instead of editing them on YouTube and trusting their editor. You can also add trailer sponsors and link information to the description. If you are using Twitch this means you can completely ignore the descriptions when highlighting, export everything, and then update all the descriptions of both Twitch and YouTube in one shot having composed them in your favorite local editor.