
Rust People Lie Because Can’t Win on Merit

I was recently reminded of Amazon’s completely brain-dead article that then got picked up by the even more moronic ZDNET (if you get your tech info from ZDNET you might as well join the flat-earth society). I love reading what Russ had to say, and what others have had to say about what Russ had to say. But the one thing that is overwhelmingly clear is how quickly otherwise intelligent people will fucking lie to your face when they know their pet language cannot win on merit (and while they are ignoring the entire moderator team resigning from the Rust project in disgust over its leadership).

Here’s the thing, it’s not “Rust versus Go”, Go already fucking destroyed Rust in the cloud native race. There isn’t a single significant application created in Rust, period. NOTHING. Kubernetes, Docker, Helm, Prometheus, fuck, even Ethereum were all written in Go and the list just keeps on growing. Meanwhile, Rust can’t get anyone to use anything it has created, and it is losing disgruntled beginners in droves as they see how fucking disastrously bad Rust is for enterprise development of any kind. The compiler is 100x slower (try a million-LOC application compilation with that) and takes developers an ungodly amount of time to write simple things.

I won’t lie. It brings me intense Joy to see Rust failing fucking miserably after all the shit they threw at every other language, mostly because they could not win any other way, they had to tear everything down to make itself look good. But they are losing, losing so horribly its pathetic and laughable to hear them try to pump it up, like those people pushing NFTs these days. Maybe they should have a Rust/NFT conference for the maximally clueless. So glad I can seen these morons from a mile away and stay the fuck away from them. Nothing says “I’m a clueless moron with no actual career software development experience” more than advocating Rust for enterprise development.