
Hey Look, yq Doesn’t Suck as Much

I’ve tried to like yq in the past, I really have. But it continues to fail me in different ways that were really critical. But one of those things has been (finally) fixed. You know do not have to type an e to evaluate stuff and don’t need a -. So yeah, it now actually does what jq has always done.

Imma take the best parts of yq out and put them into a Bonzai branch, like immediately. I do so appreciate the work that has been put in, and that they decided to release it as they have. I just really can’t get into any project that use Cobra at all, just a personal pet-peeve. I want a world that is free of unnecessary .bashrc sourcing just to get complete -C completion because of Cobra’s horrible design premises.


#golang #yaml #yq