
Obsidian’s Biggest Failure is Linking

It’s not really their fault, they don’t know better. They still link that hyperlinking was actually a good thing. It’s not. It’s horrible. Yet this is what Obsidian chooses to capitalize on. Nothing says, “We don’t know what the fuck we are doing” more than this decision, well, perhaps the choice to make it not FOSS and to include sequence diagram plugin shit and the lack of support for actual Markdown formats that have been standardized say that even more.

No, Obsidian is absolute pig shit. Problem is, there is nothing that is better, at the moment. What would “better” look like?

For starters, every single fucking word should be available in any sort of visualization, graph or otherwise, and tied to a full index that has crunched every fucking word in the knowledge base. That’s called indexing and people have been doing it for years. Not having that shows how fucking clueless you are.

Next, everything should be as simple as possible and stored in nothing more than flat-text files.

The list continue later …