
Go Wall of Shame: Telltale Signs Dev Don’t Know Go

This shit drives me so crazy I need to rant about it somewhere. Maybe someone will actually read it one day and become a better coder. Nothing says, “I’m a fucking noob” more than the following in your Go code. And I don’t give a fuck how “big” the project is. I’ve seen this shit in major projects. And I’ll say it again, the best way to learn good Go is to find a few really good Go projects (start with anything Rob Pike wrote in the standard library) and dig into them to understand everything about them.

func Authenticate(user string, pass string) {
} else if fileExists(cwd+"/.somefile") {
xdgConfigHome := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
xdgConfigHome := ...
func loadFile(fileName string) {
fmt.Println("No config found")
fmt.Println("No config found")