
Idiotic Assumption: I’ll Develop “in the Cloud”

Developers these days have diseased idea that they can just do everything over the Internet in the cloud instead of needing to run and test software locally. In this view of the world, everyone logs into the Web and “pair programs” with people over a perfect Internet connection in real time. This is fucking moronic.

The very nature of Git, the world’s most important source management, is to check in and out software, to phone home, to avoid that very dependency. How the hell are you going to get any coding done without Internet, say at the Airport, or on an airplane, or on the bus, or at a private school where people play $25k a year to attend but still doesn’t have enough bandwidth for even one class of 50 people to be the Internet at the same time?

This has lead to the recent incredibly stupid decisions Apple has made (almost as bad as removing the ESC key). Google is seeking their own “silicon” for their computers and equally ignoring the fact that nothing can be done locally.