
Bork kubectl Config is So Fucking Brain Dead

Just lost a lot of coding time when I did a kubectl config set-context only to realize that is overwrites every fucking entry in ~/.kube/config unnecessarily. I added some oidc-provider sections in there (rather than creating and managing an external file that would confuse end users) and kubectl just blows everything the fuck away.

That is just so stupid I don’t have words! There is absolutely no reason to do that unless you are a lazy developer. I don’t buy the “but we need to avoid conflicts in the future” argument. I know that because good developers (like Ben who wrote kind) do not do that. The respect what is already in the file (which, incidently is the best part about yaml:",inline").

The problem is that no developer should ever assume they can just completely destroy a configuration file and rewrite it the way that they want. It is very common for people to add non-conflicting configuration data to that file. The only fix for this is that I know have to maintain yet another file in some place I can never be sure kubectl won’t decide to overwrite later as well. The more I work with Kubernetes source code the more I fucking hate it.

#k8s #rants #kubectl