
FreeIPA for DNS, PAM, Directory, and More?

Discovered the FreeIPA project. At first I was really excited, then I started to realize that it is a monolith and it is actually entirely owned and managed by Red Hat (Red Hat Identity Manager). It bundles a bunch of stuff together, including DNS, and LDAP/Kerberos and tries to be Active Directory instead of keeping things separate as other UNIX/Linux IAM stuff has done in the past. I’ve met a few people on the project and they are certainly great people, but I’ve decided I want nothing to do with it at all (if I can help it).

I did just recently discover that the account I’m on actually considered migrating off of OpenLDAP/Kerberos to FreeIPA but decided against it back in 2018. My god am I glad they went that way knowing what I know now.



#linux #bsd #freeipa #dns #architecture