
Uncommon Advantage of if Over switch in Go

Recently, I ran into a pretty substantial drawback of using switch over more verbose if statements: goto. You cannot use labels and goto for a specific case in a switch block. This is a deal-breaker when writing performant code. So even though there is a ton of C code out there (particularly scanners and parsers) that use switch for this sort of thing, you simply cannot do it in Go. It’s not that bad, really. The most annoying part is matching several specific runes, but I’ve learned that using regex.MustCompile at the package level for such things is equally as terse and performant — especially since a simple regular expression like just a list of names like that — compiles down to effectively the same machine code as writing it all out longhand like. So, “don’t worry, write a regex” would seem appropriate in this case.

#golang #coding #tips