
Learn Swagger, It is Mission Critical

Swagger is the tool used to create and document the Kubernetes API and most of the other significant REST APIs on the planet. At work (at a global multi-national) it is mandatory to create Swagger implementation before even submitting an API design for consideration to the corporate API gatekeepers. So the conclusion is, learn Swagger.

I have to day that looking through the 800+ endpoints from Swagger docs for Kubernetes API I really gained a new appreciation for simple REST APIs versus something like GraphQL (which I was really ga-ga for when it came out). In fact, I now find that the burden of proof to not use a REST API is on the people who would do something in GraphQL or their own API instead. Swagger-type REST APIs are by far the best industry practice at the moment and for the foreseeable future given the serious commitment from Kubernetes, enterprises, and other large projects.

#learn #swagger #rest #apis #backend