
Rethinking Standard Bonzai Repo Structure

I know pkg is common, but it’s grating on me. People generally expect the high-level functions of the API to be at the top-level of a repo. And I think I need to go back to the cmd directory since that is so well established and there might be some repos that have multiple standalone commands. The proposed changes would look like this for a command called foo:

cmd/foo/main.go (package main)
foo.go (traditional library package foo)
cmd.go (home of foo.Cmd)
baz.go (home of foo.Baz)

I really want to keep the trend going of having high-level functions, with a standalone command, and a composable Bonzai branch all in the same repo so people can consume the code in different ways.

This change is really going to hurt since I have so much stuff pointing to things assuming Bonzai branches are the main thing. But the Go community will not expect that. They will, however, be curious to see what this “z” directory is all about. The rest would be very intuitive.

Everything in this repo will have the same version/tag as well.

I’m going to make this change to everything tomorrow during my last day of vacation. I think I’ll put together some more notes that can go in the Bonzai book, which I want to have at least started by the beginning of the Beginner Boost. It just makes building useful things in Go so much easier and faster.

#golang #bonzai #design