
Use Go Maps for Fastest Rune Class Lookups

I went looking through the fastest rune lookup tables in Go, the unicode package, which is generated directly from the UNICODE consortium CSV. I pondered the fastest way to check if any given rune is in a set of runes. For a lot of stuff you could do numeric comparisons for the value, but the best way to do it in a universal way is to create a hash table, a go map. I had thought of getting fancy and putting them all in a single []rune slice, but then I have to search through it, and at that point I’m just writing my own hash map look algorithm, and linear searching ain’t gonna cut it. So, the fastest is to just use the highly optimized hash map that is already behind the map type. In fact, this is why the map type is not locked in any way, because it’s so damn fast.

#golang #coding #tips