Out of Bonzai…if for no other reason than versioning alone. When I add a new
completer to the library I would have to up the version of bonzai
That’s just stupid.
God, can I just be done with Bonzai, already? I got shit to do/make with it.
I want the bonzai
package to get so fucking boring that it almost
never changes (like the TCP/IP RFC, or JSON/YAML standards).
There’s another reason. GitHub and Go documentation already
show dependencies between libraries. So I could look at
, for example, and see how popular a particular
completion library is, and manage all of its life independently from the
entire fucking bonzai
Why the fuck does anyone think having a monorepo of everything developed at a company is a good idea? It’s just not. It’s just fucking not.
Arg, okay, here comes another minor version update.
#golang #coding #rants #bonzai