I keep getting called back cognitively to my roots helping people gain the rank of Eagle in the Boy Scout program. I’m no longer a Scout Master (and have significant issues with the program as a whole preventing me from ever returning to it) but the system created in 1910 for Merit Badges and ranks holds tremendous value for me as I consider the goals for the Beginner Boost:
These are the same goals the Scouting program has always had.
There’s a solid reason putting “Eagle Scout” on your resume (or at least there was). It’s a venerable mark of excellence. It conveys much about the character, drive, and ability of the person who earns it (not just of the parents forcing their kid to get it.)
I feel like an equivalent that embraces the modern era is really missing in our world today, a system or program that focuses on technology and autodidactic learning at its core. Why not build on something that has already been proven to work for over a century?
#boost #scouting #planning #learning