
Having COVID-19 from Vaccine is Odd

After all the press about this virus actually giving it to yourself in a controlled way is rather odd. It’s like I have a miniature version of all the symptoms I’ve been forced to read about over the last year and a half.

Yesterday, when I got the shot I had zero symptoms. I seriously did not even fell the shot at all. I was sure nothing actually went in.

Today, the most noticeable symptom is my arm (nothing more than feeling sore from doing yoga). The funniest symptom is that my sense of taste is legitimately messed up. I remember reading about that one and it’s definitely real. There’s also some sort of different, very faint, smell going on that probably isn’t there, just messed up senses. I don’t have a fever that I can discern, but it’s a Summer day. I have had a headache yesterday and today that Ibuprofen easily addressed. I’m definitely dizzy. At first I thought it was caffeine withdrawal, but nope. And, um, I had a different experience in the bathroom than usual (without getting too gross).

I definitely feel a slight tightness in my deep lungs and an increase in flem, but it’s so slight I would not even notice unless I had been battle inflammation for the last five years and am very aware of even slight changes.