
Still conflicted about remapping CapsLock to ESC

I have had CapsLock mapped to Esc for a while now (which is totally justified because that is where the Esc key originally was). But my fingers are so completely used to using Control-[ that changing is going to be a bitch. I keep this (irrational) fear that I will be caught on a system where the key has not been remapped, oh I don’t know, like on my work Windows laptop, which is actually the case. In fact, I just made myself un-conflicted about this whole thing. Remapping anything is a bad idea unless you can do it on every fucking computer you use because I regularly TMUX in from whatever computer is available and if I had memorized CapsLock instead I would be rather fucked.

(And I still cannot believe that otherwise rational and efficient Vim users out there actually recommend using Control-C instead of Esc. I think that is the fucking stupidest advice regarding Vim I have ever heard.)