
One VOD a Day, Keeps the Streamer Blues Away

I’ve (re)discovered that handling multiple VODs and pushing them to YouTube is a pain in the ass. So the current plan is to start a new video at 8am every day (beginning with “Morning Coffee”) and just letting it run all day. This is what most of the IRL streamers do. Then, people just make clips, markers, and highlights when something particularly interesting happens. This way there is only one video VOD to push to YouTube the next day, and anything else will be shorter so that people on YouTube will actually what them. Pushing the daily VOD to YouTube is really just a backup measure since most people enjoy the real-time nature of Twitch (over the rest), and let’s face it, the Twitch live-streaming ecosystem and technology dominates everything else (which I’m realizing even more as I get into Streamlabs stuff).


#lessonslearned #twitch