
Inclined to Go Back to YAML

After discovering inline support in gopkg.in/yaml.v2 I’m having a really hard time not using only YAML for everything. None of the JSON stuff has anything like it, I mean, nothing like it. And since JSON is valid YAML there is really no reason not to use the gopkg.in/yaml.v2 for everything related to configuration that is saved anywhere. That’s probably why the Kubernetes project has hard-coded v2 into everything and has no desire to go with v3, ever.

Of course, this means that I’ll need to rewrite conf-go and make it config instead and turn it into a Bonzai branch. The reason I went with conf-go keeping everything on a single line was because it is more “UNIX-ey”, but my recent feelings about moving to monoliths with subcommands makes all of that sort of out-dated thinking (and I really mean that). There are many aspects of the old UNIX philosophy that just don’t hold water today, otherwise we’d still be dynamically linking shit and stuff like that.

And let’s fact it, like it or not, YAML has won the configuration file wars. It is so dominant in everything these days that displacing it is silly to even contemplate. TOML certainly doesn’t have a prayer. Wish I’d known about >- in YAML before getting so into TOML (and making their logo, lol).

#yaml #json #toml #configuration