
Alternatives to OPA Gatekeeper, Kyverno?

Even if I never have any say in getting rid of OPA Gatekeeper at “work” and even if everyone must learn OPA Gatekeeper to get CKS certified (I just reconfirmed) I really want to understand which of these I want to deploy to my home lab and get good at. Gatekeeper and Kyverno are the leading policy engines right now. Gatekeeper is a fully matured CNCF project, Kyverno is a “sandbox” project, but has been around for more than a year at this point.

OPA Gatekeeper has some very serious warts and almost zero documentation. The most annoying that we’ve hit lately is with the selector operators that isolate the resources before passing them to the Rego rules. The logic appears to be exactly the opposite of what is documented and the source seems to confirm that it simply isn’t doing what it should.

Currently, there are few alternatives to OPA Gatekeeper. Kyverno is the one that everyone raves about, but it’s pseudo-code language is absolutely ugly as sin, but if it works, it’s no worse than reverse logic in Gatekeeper and Rego. At least it is still YAML.

Kyverno was written from the start solely for use in Kubernetes.