
Go template FuncMap pipe to functions goes to args

TL:DR; `` sets the output of some to the last argument of myfunc. If I have more arguments to myfunc they come first, which means that args[len(args)-1] will always be the piped input.

I swear this isn’t documented anywhere. Spent a good hour looking through all the official docs and then finally gave up and looked at the Hugo source code at their jsonify and figured it out. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be able to clone and read source code quickly to get the fastest resolution to your problems. The tough questions are almost never answered in documentation on the web. Mediocre developers love flooding the Web with shitting simple tutorials, just nothing about these tough questions, which is really too bad.

By the way, Go templates are tremendously powerful. The most intelligently created templating system I have ever experienced. I would pick Go just for the templating system alone, it’s that fucking good. It’s also the reason you don’t need a fucking “framework” to do Go development of any kind. Just use Go. Rob Pike is a fucking genius. (Be sure to watch his hour long video on creating the scanner/parser for the Go template engine.)