Learning: Knowing What to Do and How to Do It
“Harry, I know he can get the job, but can he do the job.”
You can’t get a job if you don’t know what it takes to do the job or
even what the job is.
Mentors can provide for these needs with the following:
- Give ideas of things to do that give repetitive experience (discere faciendo)
- Exercises and Drills - focuses on specific techniques and speed
- Challenges - no instruction, just the problem, sometimes times
- Projects - something fun you want (ex: Twitch bot)
- Tutorials - project with someone tutoring you through it
- Recipes - how to do something specific (on the job)
- Scenarios - description of problem to elicit solution thinking
- Demonstrate sound solutions (ways of doing those things)
- Provide OCMS badges that outline what needs to be learned:
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Abilities