
Knowledge Repos

I accidentally used the word “knowledge repo” in writing up something today and it sort of stuck with me. The full term is “knowledge repository” and that is exactly what all these Git/GitHub repos are, a place to dump, shape, and share knowledge as it happens with as little overhead as possible. I’m going to start using that term a lot more. A Zettelkasten repo is just one form or method of maintaining a knowledge repo.

This is further evidence that I’m moving away from many of the KEG concepts and creating more and more dependencies on Git and GitHub, which is a violation of the KISS principle I started with for KEG, but should be fine for getting shit done. I need something now before I further simplify it. I suppose, however, that nothing is stopping anyone from following the dame digital method without having Git involved at all, perhaps just in a local directory and backed-up to a USB drive. Since that is exactly what Git is good at, it’s a natural pairing.