
Learning ed Really Is Worthwhile

Been playing around with learning ed (finally after more than three decades since hearing about it) and I have to say, I feel completely stupid that I didn’t pick it up before. It is drop dead easy once you get the main concepts down, and since ed went on to influence tons of other UNIX-y things (grep, sed, vim) having learned it makes me more effective in those things. In other words, yes you should learn “the standard UNIX editor” — perhaps even first — before learning other stuff. Besides, you’ll have bragging rights for the rest of your life if you do. You can shut down every idiotic editor debate with “I use ed, the standard editor” and you won’t even be joking. The truth is, if you are using vim to its full extent you are using ed (ex is the new ed all the time). If you use sed, grep and a dozen other commands you are using ed, which was the first to instigate all of those things.