
History of Personal Thought and Ideas with Git

Luhmann had an amazing method with his Zettelkasten, but if he had been able to track all the changes to each of his slips of paper (without just looking at all the stuff that had been lined out) he might have found Nirvana. By keeping a Zettelkasten as a Git repo I automatically get revision history, which, when applied to personal knowledge source in Markdown text, provides phenomenal insight into how my thinking and ideas have changed over time. Admittedly, I haven’t been using the new method long enough to be able to make sense of any such history, but I anticipate that will be the Holy Fucking Grail once I have everything in here. It seems so effortless to create, capture, and — especially — find thoughts and ideas now after only a few days on the new system. And it’s going to be so easy to help others start once they have GitHub setup.