
Keep Separate History in Each TMUX Pane/Window

At first you might be tempted to add something to your PROMPT_COMMAND to force your history to update after every single command from every one of your half dozen open TMUX windows and panes, but this is usually a bad idea. It clutters the history causing you to have to do more work than just look for the last command. It’s better to leave them alone and think of each as having a specific purpose, testing, for example, so that all the history on that window/pane related to testing.

Sometimes there are worthy exceptions to this. For example, when creating a challenge application (like I did for skilbots) that needs to examine the history immediately because it is checking up on your commands and giving you real-time feedback, or (like skilbots) checking your history to give you pointers and catch problems in real-time. Like having a shellcheck robot helping you out and letting you know when things aren’t optimal.