
I Really Love All My Bonzai Favs Completing

There’s something really fulfilling seeing my collection of Bonzai composite commands displaying all neatly every time I type z and tab. It’s a great way to remember what I have to pick from. Such was never the case with bash, which would show me everything on the fucking system that matched. By having z just for my pet commands I can isolate all my completion to it. In fact, this has really shaded my opinion of multicall binaries in general. I really like the z separation. But making them all multicall not only to I have to create all the links, but then all my favorites get thrown into the host system pool of completions with everything else. Here’s the modern, objective truth: monoliths fucking rock. We have memory now. We have static linking now. We have cross-compilation for any architecture. Now is the time of the monolith. Bonzai!!

#joy #bonzai