
Only Perl and C Let You Change Running Process Name

📺 https://youtu.be/onwLxlu7Q4g

I used to love changing the name of a running Perl daemon (service) to show what it was processing — especially if more than one forked process was working on it. Each child could update what appears in ps -ef output to show the current state and file it was working on. That is hugely valuable in operations and systems programming. Here’s what the code looks like in Perl.


while (true) {
  $0="foo: $count";
  sleep 1;

However, such is not possible in Bash, despite the description of $BASH_ARGV0 which suggests this is possible. Perhaps $0 is changed, but not the value of /proc/pid/cmdline, which is what appears in the ps -ef output.

We found some Go code to do similar things, but it requires CGO to be on.
