
SKILSTAK Learning Content


Gamingoxymoron290: I didn’t have terminal skills for years. I was probably 4 years into my career before I got anywhere near proficient with terminal. TOTAL GAME CHANGER. Learn the terminal.

  1. Become an Autodidact
  2. Learn the Linux Terminal
    1. Just Get Started with Docker
    2. Setup Linux Container(s)
    3. Navigate the (Default) Bash Shell
    4. Edit Text with Ed/Vi/Vim and UNIX Filters
    5. Extend and Automate with Bash Scripting
    6. Use TMUX and Screen “Window Managers”
  3. Understand Basic Networking
    1. Connect Remotely with Secure Shell
  4. Search Files with grep and find
  5. Manage Your Knowledge and Source
    1. Search Files Fast with grep and find
    2. Search Web Fast with W3M, Lynx, and cURL
    3. Write in CommonMark and Pandoc Markdown
    4. Create Your Own Zettelkasten Method
    5. Use Git for Source Management
    6. Use GitHub for the Community and gh Tool
    7. Use GPG, pass, and KeePassXC for Passwords, Secrets
    8. Create a Personal Portfolio Web Page in HTML, CSS


  1. Polyglot Programming: Go, JavaScript, Python (8 weeks)
  2. Head-First C
  3. DSL and Data Development (not data science)
  4. Assembly for Microcontrollers
  5. Kubernetes Applications Development

Projects: Build Portfolio of Proof You Can Do the Work

  1. Discovering and Planning Your Own Project (1 week)
  2. Infrastructure as a Service
  3. Cloud-Native Architecture
    1. Docker Composer
    2. Kubernetes

Professional: Get the Gig (6 week)

  1. Know Thyself, Discover What You Want to Do and Where
  2. Research Prospective Employers
  3. Create CV/Resume in YAML and PDF with Pandoc
  4. Learn to Really Communicate
  5. Meet and Follow People, Network, Learn to Socialize
    1. GitHub
    2. Twitter
    3. Discord
    4. IRC
    5. Twitch
  6. Manage Your Money and Look Out for Legal Problems


Thanksgiving through New Years:

Lesser priority, that are not really “boost” in scope: