
New config Package with Structure

All the configuration stuff I’ve built in the past has been flattened for simplicity into Redis-like key-value pairs, but that has always struct me as an unnecessary limitation. I want my new Bonzai defacto standard config (which is maintained as a Bonzai sub-package like help.Cmd) to be able to use complex configuration files, but how to create an easy way to write and read from it? I know I want some method of pathing as jq supports. I wonder if I can pass a struct and have it use reflection to get the structure. Go is too rigid to allow people to just change things up. I keep thinking of how Kubernetes does this. For the most part K8S has you change the file rather than try to change individual values (although you can), and just using jq to get the values is probably better than anything else. I suppose if an application needed to change the configuration file it could use its own struct and just use the config Bonzai branch to find the file to use, lock it, and such. The config package could also just pass stuff to jq for now to be able to query the values easily until I can port the main parts of jq over to Go.