
Getting to the start (or back)

With the cost of shipping just my trailer at 600 dollars US and the exceptional hassle and cost of flying with a trailer (or even taking it on the train) I have decided I usually just want to drive to the starting point and do loops. My Subaru has everything I need to make long trips to anywhere in North (or South) America provided I can find a safe place to store/stash my Subi so she is safe.

The first trip to test this will be my San Diego (TwitchCon) trip through Southern Utah and Route 66 and down the Pacific Coast trail.

What about the TransAmerica route?

I had wanted to to the TransAmerica route the same way that everyone did in 1976, but doing that as a loop takes more time than could be fit into a single bike touring season. Instead, I’m considering breaking it up into two loops, one on the East (starting and stopping from my home in Davidson, NC) and another in the West (starting and stopping from my families home in SLC, UT).

What about the GDMBR/Tour Divide?

If I eliminate the Canadian portion I can easily go up and back from Utah, another year go down and back.

What about AMTRAK?

Turns out I can box and bring my bike for 20 dollars US on AMTRAK provided I can get to where I need to be. This is a very real possibility as well.
