
What’s my address?

Wherever my wife is. I am not a solo digital nomad. I’m a guy who lives for months at a time while traveling around all over either in my car or on my bike. In fact, finding a temporary “home” for my car is usually the harder question. I like to drive to a centralized destination and do big loops of bike touring returning to that spot. Then, when I need a break, I drive home to my wife, Doris, recuperate, and prepare for next season.

Digital nomadic living makes answering the “What’s my address?” question surprisingly difficult to answer. This can complicate simple tasks and even block you from certain jobs. Thankfully, this problem has been well addressed (pun intended) by the general nomadic community.

Living in America requires a permanent address for most things


Share an address with someone else

Live with a relative

Find a roommate

Get married

Buy a plot of land

What about a PO box?